The master’s course has a total cost of €10,000.
Financial concessions are available:
Super Early Bird : for the first students enrolled in the master’s course, tuition fees are reduced to €6,500. The deadline to apply for this fee is 15 November 2022.
Early Bird : for those enrolling between 16 November 2022 and 13 February 2023, tuition fees are reduced to €8,000.
All amounts are payable in installments.
The costs of travelling, food and accommodation are the responsibility of the participant.
Lorenza Baroncelli
Former Artistic Director la Triennale
Damiano Gulli
Curatore la Triennale
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Direttrice Castello di Rivoli
Adrian Paci
Artista e Direttore di Art House Albania
Cristiano Seganfreddo e Gea Politi
Flash Art
Marianna Vecellio
Curatrice mostre Castello di Rivoli
Domitilla Dardi
Storica e Curatrice
Tiziana Pers
Giulia Turconi
Franco La Cecla
Anna Castelli
Storica dell’Arte
Pietro Scammacca
Nicola Martini
Valentina Viviani
Artista e Curatrice
Luca Marullo
Architetto e Co-founder di Parasite
Enrico Floriddia
ABADIR. Accademia di Design e Comunicazione Visiva
ABADIR is a Design and Visual Communication Academy based in Catania. It’s a private institution belonging to the AFAM sector, authorized by the Italian Ministry of Education (MUR) to award qualifications of Higher Education.
At ABADIR we promote design as a transformative discipline that can be instrumental in providing innovative and impactful solutions to cultural and socio-economic issues. Through design-related disciplines, we strive to equip our students with the skill-set and perspectives that will enable them to navigate our rapidly changing world and to shape a sustainable future.
Valentina Viviani
Alessia Amenta
Program Manager